Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Mobilising Creativity and Innovation Free Sample
Question: Discuss about the Mobilising Creativity and Innovation. Answer: Introduction: The objective of this report is to evaluate the importance of the creativity and innovation for Diwan of Royal Court. This report has also included extraction of the organizational and group level support to make the most of any creative ideas and innovative measures. Two main approaches have been discussed in this report; one is the appropriate organizational culture and another one is the influence of the leadership style along with the development and promotions of the background for the creativity and innovation. A number of factors have been discussed to understand their impact on the creativity. On addition, different leadership approach plays the significant role in determining how it influences the concept of innovation and creativity in workplace. To draw a critical analysis on the topic, explanation of the different theories and models has been included here. Different literary contents have helped this report to obtain more valid information. The recommendation has also be en incorporated for the improvement of the future prospect for Diwan of Royal Court by eradicating different barriers for the creative and innovative approach. Analysis: This part of the report has demonstrated different factors, their role in the context of an organization. As mentioned by, Clegg, Kornberger and Pitsis (2015), creative approaches in an organizational framework help to obtain sustainable management as well as provide more opportunities towards the employees. In this regard, also Vaccaroet al. (2012), suggested that performance of the employees can also be improved if the organization takes innovative measures to enhance the skill and performance of the employees. Innovation in the products and creativity in the service helps the organization to grab theanextended market. Creativity is important in the changing business scenario and emerging market context. With the increasing competitiveness, more options are available for the customers and they can easily shift to the most appropriate option (Proctor 2014).Creativity can come in different forms for an organization. Innovation of production style and creativity in products is helpful to increase the interest of the consumers that in turn, energize the business of the organization (Plsek 2015) Positive creativity in human resource management style is also important because it helps to obtain such an approach that motivates the employees to perform better as well as increase the productivity of the company (Johnston and Bate 2013). In this report, two approaches have been discussed in this regard; one is the adequate workplace environment and another one is the appropriate leadership skill. Bucherer, Eisert and Gassmann(2012), suggested that in an organization the working environment should be suitable to encourage any innovation and creative ideas. The working provisions must require frequent changes so that the organization can easily fetch creativities in the organizational procedure. Effect of organizational climate for innovation and creativity: To understand the influential factors of the organizational climate concerned to the innovation and creativity, the following explanations can be revised: Organizational encouragement: Organization is required to be flexible with the creative aspects so that it can adopt the changes and work accordingly(Hicks 2013). Moreover, Diwan of Royal Court should supervise the facts the leaders and employees are cooperative to the innovation. In this regard, encouragement should be provided to the workgroup management so that collective creative approaches can be achieved (West and Sacramento 2012). Freedom: Employees should have the liberty to express their creative skills. According to, zbag(2014), if the organization provides the employee opportunity to control their measure to express their skills better performance can be obtained. Availability of the resources: As mentioned by, Clegg, Kornberger and Pitsis (2015), creativity and innovation is dependent on the availability and sufficiency of the resources; in research paper, they mentioned that if the adequacy of the resources is highly restricted then people are forced to think creatively to accomplish the given task within the allocated resource. Pressure:Johnston and Bate (2013), mentioned that if the pressure is high the level of innovation also gets high. However, Hicks (2013), suggested that pressure can negatively affect the intensity of the creativity. In the broader sense, it can be said that if the employees are facing workload pressure, then creativity can be hampered, whereas, if the organization throws any challenging situation to the employees it can influence the creativity factors positively. Effect of leadership style for the innovation and creativity: Researchers have always valued the leadership styles when it comes to creativity and innovation management. According to, Yoshidaet al. (2014), if the managers are not supportive of the changes and do not motivate any creativities the employee get disappointed; such condition also affect the tendency to think outside the box and implement those new things. For better demonstration in this regard, Path-goal theory can be explained. Path-goal Theory: This theory has been developed by the Robert House. The main concept behind this theory is that leader's behavioral approach is important to motivate the employees so that better and expected outcome can be obtained. This theory is relevant to this report as the leadership approach influence the employees to possess the criteria required for the innovation and creativity. Few suggestions of this theory are as follows: If the leader is directive, then he or she will help the followers by announcing them the requirement of the changes and will also guide the workers to follow the appropriate path to complete the task (Regoet al. 2012). If the leader is achievement oriented, he or she will set a goal for the followers; the leader also expects that the employees can successfully meet the target by accomplishing the task with given time (DuBrin 2015). This kind of leadership can create complication if the activities regarding creativity require more time. If the leaders are participative then he consults with workers regarding any new thing concerned to the innovation and creativity. These kinds of leaders discuss with the members before taking a final decision. If the leader is supportive, he or she tends to follow the approaches that are satisfactory to the workers. These kinds of leaders are also concerned with the well-being of the employees while implementing any creative or innovative changes. Conclusion: This report has assessed the importance of the creativity and innovation for Diwan of Royal Court. The focus of this report has given on the different factors to reach the ultimate creative approaches for the organization. There is no doubt about the significance of the innovation in the present market scenario. The emerging market and increasing competitiveness requires frequent innovation of the strategies and involvement of the creative ideas to meet the demand. The expectation has got higher and the market has become more volatile; in such situation, to satisfy the demand of the service users organization must focus on the innovation of strategies that can creatively manage the requirements of the employees and satisfy their need. Diwan of Royal Court can achieve success in terms of creativity and innovative measures if it encourages the new ideas as well as helps in the implementation of the changes. Apart from that, the leaders must evaluate the requirement of the changes time to time so that proper steps can be taken concerning to the innovation. Leaders of the organization should also establish a communicative relationship with the employees so that strategies for the creativity can be implemented appropriately by making proper discussion with the employees. The information gathered from different literary papers has enriched the content of this report. Two different approaches have been discussed to help the organization in obtaining the appropriate strategies regarding the creativity and innovation. Influence of the organizational environment has been interpreted along with the discussion of perfect leadership styles. Hence, construction of this discourse is valid for the given topic. Recommendations: Here, different approaches have been recommended to help the Diwan of Royal Court to follow the right path towards the creative and innovative approaches. The Diwan of Royal Court must approve the creativity and innovation when there is the requirement. Prior to the approval, the company is required to go through the points that have raised the requirement for the innovation. Next, Diwan of Royal Court must adopt a perfect planning before the implementation of any strategies for the creativity and innovation. A proper planning guides the organization during the period when innovation is required. Diwan of Royal Court must ensure that different departments and the employees share a strong communicative bond with each other so that most creative, effective and functional ideas can be obtained. If the employees share their ideas and opinions with each other so that pa collective decision can be taken for the upcoming creative ideas. Cooperation is also recommended to make the plan for creativity stronger. Leaders of the Diwan of Royal Court should give importance to the opinions of the subordinates. It has been found that sometimes senior authorities of the organization do not value the thinking of the employees and tend to overlook the demand for innovation if it rises from the side of the employees. Such practices are an array with the implementation of any kind of creative ideas and innovation. Another important step in this concern is to weigh the feedback regarding the implementation of the innovative ideas and creative changes. This step is essential because it will help the Diwan of Royal Court to know whether the changes are satisfactory or require improvement. Reference list: Bucherer, E., Eisert, U. and Gassmann, O., 2012. Towards systematic business model innovation: lessons from product innovation management.Creativity and Innovation Management,21(2), pp.183-198. 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